Using Gulp to Start Karma
In this article we will use Gulp
to run our Specs
. Gulp
is a stream-based build system with a simple yet powerful API focusing on code
over configuration
. Gulp
builds use the Node.js
streams that do not need to write temporary files or folders to disk, which results in faster builds.
is very easy to learn ( than Grunt - opinionated view) but I won’t be covering basics of Gulp
in this article. If you want to learn about gulp you can visit Getting Started with Gulp.
First things first let’s install
npm install -g gulp
# sudo if needed
We also need to add
in our project
npm install --save-dev gulp
Create a
which is default file forGulp
Since we are using
we need to addrequire()
statement ingulpfile.js
If you are interested where this code was copied from you can vist -> Gulp-karma on GitHub
var gulp = require('gulp');
var karma = require('karma');
We are also interested on using
Karma Server
so add following line ongulpfile.js
var Server = karma.Server;
Now we need to create the
Gulp Tasks
. Let’s create a task which runs all the test once and exits
gulp.task('test', function(done) {
new Server(
configFile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js',
singleRun: true
In above snippet We are creating a gulp
task named test. In the task we are creating new instance of Karma Server
which we declared before. To create the new instance of Karma Server
we are passing some properties. We can Override properties inside of karma.conf.js
from here.
- First properties we are passing is
which is mandatory properties we need to pass. Which basically holds the path of ourKarma Configuration
file. - Second properties is optional. I’m passing this properties to override the properties that exist on
We are also passing done
as second argument to Server
. If you want to know more about done
here’s the stackoverflow thread.
To run the
task that you created execute following command
gulp test
When you run above command you will see the same message that you saw earlier on Part 2 of this article. Only difference is Karma
runs the test and stops to watch the more changes. This is what singleRun
does. If this process is not working for you visit here which tweaks some part of this code.
If you want to run the test like before where you watch for changes you can create new task like below
gulp.task('test-watch', function(done) {
new Server(
configFile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js'
gulp test-watch
If you run the task you will see same kind of behaviour that you saw previously. Since we are not passing any properties to Override it loads the properties from karma.conf.js
We are running our test on Chrome
which pop ups on every run of the test. If we want we can use headless
broswer i.e PhantomJS
To use PhantomJS
we need karma-phantomjs-launcher
To install
npm install --save-dev karma-phantomjs-launcher
Change the broswer on
browsers: ['PhantomJS']
Or if you want to you can pass the properties on gulp
task too.
gulp.task('phantom', function(done) {
new Server(
configFile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js',
browsers: ['PhantomJS']
To run the new task you can execute
gulp phantom
I’ll end this article by adding the default Gulp
task which can be done by adding the following line on gulpfile.js
gulp.task('default', ['test-watch'])
So when you just type gulp
on termial you will run test-watch
by default.
This is what my package.json
looks like
"name": "angular-testing",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Simple Application to learn the how we can unit test AngularJS application",
"main": "",
"directories": {
"test": "test"
"dependencies": {
"angular": "^1.5.8",
"angular-mocks": "^1.5.8"
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "^3.9.1",
"jasmine-core": "^2.5.2",
"karma": "^1.3.0",
"karma-chrome-launcher": "^2.0.0",
"karma-jasmine": "^1.0.2",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "^1.0.2"
"scripts": {},
"author": "Aman Tuladhar"
and gulpfile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
var karma = require('karma');
var Server = karma.Server;
* Run test once and exit
gulp.task('test', function(done) {
new Server(
configFile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js',
singleRun: true
* Watch for file changes and re-run tests on each change
gulp.task('test-watch', function(done) {
new Server(
configFile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js'
gulp.task('chrome', function(done) {
new Server(
configFile: __dirname + '/karma.conf.js',
browsers: ['Chrome'],
singleRun: true
gulp.task('default', ['test-watch']);
and karma.conf.js
// Karma configuration
module.exports = function(config) {
basePath: '',
port: 9876,
frameworks: ['jasmine'],
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
singleRun: false,
files: [
exclude: [],
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
preprocessors: {},
reporters: ['progress'],
colors: true,
concurrency: Infinity
I’ll cover some other topics related to Angular Testing so stay tuned. THANKS